"Welcome to "Guides Light Foundation" (Youth Group Home Advocates)

Mission Statement:

Guides Light Foundation’s mission is to be the premiere  donor to, as well as sponsor for safe 24-hour nonmedical group home (congregate care) facilities for the youth and minor children; while also being selfless in the service of community.

In other words, “We give to givers.”

~Guides Light Foundation~

A 501(c)(3) organization


EIN: 93-3623048

“A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained.” – Lyman Abbott

Our Motto

Helping People 

Who Help Children

~Guides Light Foundation:     (866) 369-2847~

Our Vision:

Our vision is to make sure that our children grow up to have a genuine admiration for stewardship, community service, and philanthropic endeavors.

How do we accomplish this? We do this by making sure that children grow up in a supervised, secure, stable, and structured environment. These children will also have constant access to quality education, care, and counseling.

Integration into community is also one of the prevalent goals we have for our children. Children who are raised in Group Homes, Foster Care, or other Residential Care Facilities; while there, should not only learn social skills, but they should also be expected master them.

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul  than the way in which it treats its children” – Nelson Mandela


Guides Light Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. We raise funds by accepting donations; and by participating in (and sponsoring) various fundraising events. The funds raised are gifted to 24-hour nonmedical group home facilities for children here in Southern California. We’re looking forward to the day when we can sponsor facilities throughout the United States.

Once we’ve chosen a group home facility to gift money to, you should know that it will be held to the highest of standards. These organizations have to have exceptional credentials and track records. They must put the wellbeing of children above all else.

The gifts and services we provide help in a variety of ways: from purchasing large items like houses to other items like vehicles needed to aid in transporting children to school and doctor’s visits. We help with food, clothing, trips, computers, and everything else in between.

We also provide funds for extracurricular activities; sports equipment, and other mind stimulating activities.

Helping people who help children is what we do. It’s also who we are.

We don’t discriminate.


Guides Light Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. We raise funds by accepting donations; and by participating in (and sponsoring) various fundraising events. The funds raised are gifted to 24-hour nonmedical group home facilities for children here in Southern California. We’re looking forward to the day when we can sponsor facilities throughout the United States.

Once we’ve chosen a group home to gift money to, you should know that it will be held to the highest of standards. These organizations have to have exceptional credentials and track records. They must put the wellbeing of children above all else.

The gifts and services we provide help in a variety of ways: from purchasing large items needed to aid in transportation, food, clothing, trips, computers, and everything else in between.

We also provide funds for extracurricular activities; sports equipment, and other mind stimulating activities.

Helping people who help children is what we do. It’s also who we are.

We don’t discriminate.

“Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.” – Charles R. Swindoll

About Us:

Guides Light Foundation was founded by Mr. Eric Jones of Los Angeles, California. He was helped and encouraged by Mr. John Taylor of Peoria, Illinois; Mr. Jose Terrazas of Los Angeles, California; and Mr. Dennis Evans of Los Angeles, California.

These gentlemen have a love and passion when it comes to caring for children. They came together on this matter because they recognized that there is an “immediate” need for quality 24-hour nonmedical youth group homes, and other residential care facilities for children in our country. Our cause is moral and just.

They recognize that children are precious, and that they’ll be tomorrow’s big thinkers and leaders. They feel that young children especially need security, stability, and guidance so that they can excel and succeed in life. Children deserve to take advantage of every positive opportunity that comes their way. They want to help by providing them that opportunity. 

“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” – W.E.B. DuBois


When you donate to Guides Light Foundation, you can rest assured that the funds will go to where they are needed most. There are almost 2.5 million homeless and at risk children in the United States. We are approaching crisis levels. About 100,000 of these children are in Los Angeles alone. Those statistics are both staggering and tragic. So we feel that it is our duty to help these young people to become good and productive members of society. We can stop the trauma and abuse they suffer under each day. No child should endure hunger. There should be no bed shortages. No child should live in an office building or a shelter. A child should grow up in a “home” with love and with care. Some children have behavior issues because of food insecurity, neglect, and past trauma.  These are huge problems, but we can help to eliminate them. We can make an impact if we work together.

Philanthropists, individual or corporation, we need you most of all. Know that no gift is too small or too large. Your tax-deductible donations will help to offset some of the costs that are associated with running a quality 24-hour nonmedical group home facility. Would you help us?

“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and the possibilities of their future.” – Maria Montessori

“We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.” – Harry Edwards

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Donation Total: $50.00

“Children remind us to treasure the smallest of gifts…” – Allen Klein

“If we nurture the needs of children, the world will be blessed.” -Wess Stafford

Contact Us:

We understand that your time is precious. So we make an effort to reach back out to you, and to return your phone calls (and/or) emails within the hour… Thank you for understanding if we’re a little late.

ph: (866) 369-2847

email: info@guideslight.org

Guides Light Foundation

301 East Arrow Highway Suite 101

San Dimas, CA 91773


Guides Light Foundation

A 501(c)(3) organization

    “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.” – Diogenes of Sinope